The Schemes of the Enemy

Pastor Sam Crosby
San Saba’s First Baptist Church
May 19, 2020

An armadillo has been tearing up our yard recently. Every morning reveals new holes he has dug in search for food. Last night my wife caught him in a trap. She noticed his entry under the gate in the back yard. She set up the trap and blocked off other exit routes. Sure enough, his profile could be seen in the trap in the morning light. Upon seeing her nemesis caught, she literally was dancing around the house, singing songs about her victory!

We need to know how our enemy works. We are better able to defeat him when we are familiar with his ways. Paul told the Corinthian believers that Satan should not outwit us, “…For we are not unaware of his schemes” (II Corinthians 2:11, NIV). The Bible informs us of the schemes of the devil. We find victory over his temptations and attacks when we know how he works. Here are a few ways the Bible describes him.

He is a tempter. Jesus endured the temptations of Satan in the wilderness. The Scripture says, “The tempter came to him…” (Matthew 4:3, NIV). The tempter tried to entice Jesus to doubt His identity as the Son of God. He tried to persuade Jesus to put His physical desires above the needs of His soul. He also tempted Jesus to focus on something other than the Father.

He will tempt us in the same way. Have you ever wondered whether God really loves you? Have you ever compromised God’s moral standards to satisfy the needs of your flesh? Are there habits, hobbies, or friendships that have become more important than your walk with God? We must be vigilant to guard our heart from the tempter.

He is a liar. Jesus bluntly declared concerning the devil, “He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44, NLT). He lied to Eve in the garden. He lied through Peter to Christ (Matthew 16:22). He lies continually to God’s people.

The devil wants to destroy your life and family. His goal is to destroy your marriage and home. He will lead you down a path of sin and corruption. I’ve heard it said, “Sin will always promise more than it can deliver. It will always take you further than you want to go. It will always keep you longer than you want to stay.” Feed your mind on God’s Word so you can resist the lies of the enemy.

He is a discourager. Discouragement and despair are not from God. They come from the toolbox of the enemy. He questions God’s presence and His promises. Resist his ploys and continue trusting in Christ. The Lord said, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10, NIV).