A July 4th Reflection

July 4th is around the corner with traditional family gatherings, barbecue outings and fireworks displays. Many will hang the flag in front of the house in the spirit of patriotism. The faith, courage and sacrifice of the founding fathers have always amazed me. This nation was not birthed by accident or happenstance; it came about through intention, decision, tears, sweat and blood. People died so that this nation could live. What beliefs motivate such sacrifice?

The Declaration of Independence declares a fundamental conviction of the early patriots: there is a Creator who has endowed each person with great value and important rights. The oppression of the mother country prompted the need to break ties and declare independence. Our forefathers carefully crafted a document that declares early on our faith in God and our individual value and rights because of Him. Despite continued efforts by evolutionists to persuade the populace we simply evolved without God, our history reflects that our early American resolve, morals, value and convictions were firmly rooted in the admission that there is a God who governs the universe. As has been noted before: There is a God. You are not Him.

America has been a blessed land because we recognized God and exalted Him. George Washington stated in his first inaugural address: “…smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” If you want the smiles – blessings – of heaven, then you need to follow the rules that God has ordained. Washington’s words flow out of Bible truth as found in Psalms 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” God blesses the nation that honors Him. The contrary is also true. If a nation defiantly turns from God, He withdraws His presence, protection and favor. The Bible declares, “When the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2). Rabbi Jonathon Cahn writes, “Supreme Court justices, can you strike down the statutes of the Almighty and overturn the judgments of the Most High and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain?” The answer is no.

What are the people of God to do in a country that has forsaken God’s laws and may very well be under God’s judgment? The formula for our patriotic duty is found in II Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” The hope for America is not based on people who are lost, but on those who are saved. God’s people must humbly and passionately pray, forsake their sin, and seek the face and favor of God. Christian people – those who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and committed to the Word of God – must be the salt that consistently preserves righteousness and the light that lovingly points people to Christ.