Service Opportunities
Romans 12:11 “Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”
This catalog is designed to help you find an area of service that would be a great fit for you!
The opportunities for service are divided into two main sections: Ministries and Committees. The Ministries are those areas where people directly serve others. The Committees are those areas that involve administration and decision making and are generally handled in meetings.
Both areas of service are valuable and important. Our impact as the Church of Jesus Christ in the San Saba community is dependent on our members being actively involved in leading and serving. God has given all of us certain gifts in ministry and has wired us with different passions for service.
Find your gifts and passions and plug into an area of service in the Church. You will find that you are the one blessed as you serve others.
If you are unsure what your spiritual gifts are, you can take a spiritual gifts survey to help determine what gifts the Lord has given to you.
Spiritual Gifts Survey
Spiritual Gifts List