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SSFBC Kids is the Children’s Ministry of San Saba’s First Baptist Church. Every aspect of our children’s ministry strives to provide a firm foundation based on Biblical truth. We want to partner with you as parents to see your children grow strong in the Lord.


A nursery is available for children from birth through 2 years of age each Sunday morning during both Sunday School and the Worship Service.

Sunday School 9:15 AM

Children’s Sunday School is open to children ages 2 years old through 6th graders. Here is a look at what curriculum is used by age group:

Toddlers: Truths for Toddlers from Answers in Genesis (More info here.)

Preschool - 6th grade: Answers Bible Curriculum from Answers in Genesis (More info here.)

Kids Worship 10:30 AM

Kids Worship is held Sunday mornings in conjunction with the Worship Service and meets in the Children’s Sanctuary. During this time, kindergarteners through fourth graders are taught a lesson that correlates to what was taught during the Sunday School hour. A new series, Unlocking the Parables of Jesus, will start March 9, 2025.

PreSchool Worship 10:30 AM

PreSchool Worship (2.5-5 year olds) is an exciting time of singing, crafts, and a Bible lesson from The Greatest Story from Big Truth Bible Lessons. (More info here.)


A nursery is available for children from birth through 3 years of age each Wednesday night.

Kids Connect

SSFBC Kids Connect is SSFBC’s Wednesday night ministry for kids ages 3 years through 6th grade. Wednesday nights at Kids Connect, children of all ages will be taught biblical truths in age-appropriate lessons that you as parents can continue to teach on and reinforce at home the rest of the week. Below is a breakdown of what curriculum each age group will be using for the 2024-2025 year.


(By September 1, 2024)

Puggles recognizes the learning ability of 3-year olds by introducing biblical truth at church and equipping parents to teach them at home. Puggles seeks to introduce young children to God and His love! In Puggles, children learn four BigTruths—God Made Everything, God is Great, God Loves Us and We Give Thanks—and the Bible verses that go with them.


(By September 1, 2024)

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of 4 year olds by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word. In Awana Cubbies, kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus, and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards and more. 


TeamKID: Faithful Promises will help your kids learn about God and how He always keeps his promises—no matter what! As we learn about the Old Testament promises we will see that God is always faithful to His people. This curriculum will help your kids learn more about God, the Bible, and Jesus. God is faithful to us, forever and always!

5th-6th GRADE

As preteens move toward their teenage years, the Bible can help refine their faith and prepare them to understand and interact with the world around them. Forged: Faith Refined is a 2-year curriculum designed to sharpen preteens’ worldview according to biblical principles. Lessons will include age-appropriate discussions on truth, identity, and relationships.