Thank God for Praying Mothers

Senator Tim Scott praised his praying mother in his response speech to President Biden’s address last Wednesday night. He encouraged the single moms across our nation to persevere in their task while looking to the Lord for help. He warned that race is being used as a weapon for political purposes and that America is not a racist nation. Coming from a black senator, those are words of encouragement. He closed his speech with hope for the nation: “Original sin is never the end of the story. Not in our souls and not for our nation. The real story is always redemption. I am standing here because my mom has prayed me through some really tough times…”

Scott attributes his success to his mother. He attributes his endurance to her faith. He kept returning to the theme of a mother’s influence on her children. His words remind me of Paul’s gratitude for Timothy’s mother and grandmother: “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (II Timothy 1:5, NIV).

Our family recently celebrated my mother’s 89th birthday. She enjoyed watching the fellowship and visiting with others while rocking her 104th great grandbaby in her arms. I have seen her on her knees frequently in my life praying for her family. There are memories etched in my mind of her kneeling beside my bed and praying over me when I was a child. My wife and I sought to do the same for our daughters – kneel beside each bed and pray over each one.

There is power in a praying mother. Can you imagine the prayers that were lifted by the mothers of Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, Deborah, Daniel, and the other great men and women of God? Mary certainly prayed for her Son, Jesus, while striving to understand His unique personhood and ministry in the world. A mother’s prayer is instrumental in the spiritual development of a child’s life. Her habits of prayer also help to establish that habit in a child. Mothers, your habits, actions, and prayers are shaping your child right now. Today. The wisdom of Proverbs 31 begins with: “The sayings of King Lemuel contain this message, which his mother taught him” (Proverbs 31:1, NLT).

Thank you, godly mothers, for your fervent prayers for your children, your examples of righteousness, and your words of wisdom! Our world is in desperate need of another generation of godly mothers who will speak truth into their children and show them how to follow Jesus Christ. As clay in the hands of a potter, so are children in the hands of a mother.