A Light for My Path

One of the fun excursions our family enjoys on beach trips is to chase and catch crabs at night. Most of the family has learned to bring their own flashlight. Those without light quickly discover that agitated crabs will scurry across their feet in their efforts to escape. We have laughed loud and long on these hunts as family members jump and run from these startled creatures. A good light is a basic need for the crab hunt.

The Bible describes itself as a lamp to the feet (Psalms 119:105). This description means that the Bible guides our words and actions as we journey through life. It provides wisdom to make decisions and truth upon which to build one’s life. The idea of a light for the path also implies seeing ahead at the dangers to avoid and the obstacles that could obstruct the journey. The light from a lighthouse guides ships so that they avoid the dangerous rocks of the shore. A Bible is a basic need for life.

In Bible days, a common light was a lamp or a candle. A lamp was fueled by oil and a candle by wax. In both cases, the light would grow dim if the fuel ran short. Jesus told the story about ten young women in Matthew 25. Five of the women had filled their lamps with oil and five had not. Though the parable is challenging people to be ready for the second coming of Jesus, the imagery of the parable illustrates that lamps need oil to burn bright. An empty lamp is of little use when it comes to giving light.

As with a lamp, Christians need to read the Bible if they are to expect it to give them light. We should study, memorize and meditate on portions of Scripture. The more we immerse ourselves into the Word of God the better we will navigate through the struggles and challenges of life. One Bible in your hand is better than one hundred Bibles on your shelf. It has been said, “The Bible is God’s Word to us. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword and the Christian’s charter. It should fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet. It should be read slowly, frequently and prayerfully.”

The wonder of light is that it drives away the darkness. Darkness flees when light appears. The rising of the sun dispels the darkness of night. Evil is associated with darkness. Generally speaking, people commit crimes in the dark. Darkness hides while light reveals. A life that is filled with the Bible is a life that is filled with light. With the Bible comes conviction of sin, a consciousness of right and wrong, and a clearer understanding of the heart of God. If you will read the Bible than it will light up your life – and be a light for your path.