No Upgrades Needed

I have received frequent text messages from AT&T reminding me that they will soon move to a 4G network with which my 3G phone will not work. The message is a bit dramatic: “ALERT! It’s time to replace your phone to avoid service disruption! Your current phone won’t work when 3G goes away.” Two thoughts bother me about the message. One, how do they know which phone I have? And two, why don’t they send me a new phone that will work? I don’t want to spend the money for an upgrade and it is not my fault that mine will not work. Their “extraordinary offer” of a new phone that “saves me hundreds of dollars” doesn’t sound that great to me.

The newest message stirred thoughts about the Bible. Isn’t it wonderful that we do not receive messages from heaven about “upgrades” or “current edits” for the Bible? The message of the Bible does not change with the times. Newer translations may offer more contemporary language, but the core truth and precepts are constant. The church need never consult the culture to make sure the Bible is up to date. The Bible is never obsolete. Scripture says of itself, “For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God” (I Peter 1:23, NLT).

The Word of God is eternal and alive. The Word of God is truth for every age. The Bible was true a thousand years ago and it will be true a thousand years from now. It is eternal and unchanging. In His high, priestly prayer, Jesus said to the Father, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth” (John 17:17, NKJ). It is wonderful to build life, make decisions, and establish truth on something that is eternal and unchanging. Beware of anyone who offers you a new Bible with relevant changes to reflect the times.

Jesus told a story of two men who built their houses on different foundations. One built his house on solid rock and the house stood strong even in the fierce storms. The other man built his house on sand that shifted and moved with the wind and water. His house collapsed during the storm. Jesus said that the man who built on the rock was wise, just like people who hear the words of Christ and obey them. He compared the second man to a fool who hears the words of Christ but ignores them. The life that stands through the storm is the life that listens to and obeys the Word of God (Matthew 7:24-29).

Live with confidence that the Bible is the Word of God and truth for every age! It is inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, preserved by God’s holy power, and teaches us all we need for life and eternity.