Little Eyes are Watching

The Christmas program this year featured one song with a children’s choir. They did a beautiful job, and their facial features and eager attitudes were such a delight. Christmas is such a special time for kids, maybe because the heart of the season focuses on a baby. God loves the children and has entrusted them to us in order to nurture them in faith. This truth hit home during the children’s song last night.

Though there were several children’s leaders in front of the choir providing hand motions and guidance, one little girl decided to look to me for direction. We made eye contact in the middle of the song and her expression communicated, “What do I do now?” I had no idea. I had never heard the song and did not know the motions. I watched the older children and began to copy their motions. She kept watching me and copied mine. I suppose she assumed that the pastor should know what to do next!

Your kids are watching you. They are learning the reason for Christmas from you. They are developing a sense of the value of the season from you. They will likely copy your Christmas traditions, internalize your Christmas attitude, and approach the season for the rest of their lives based on your example. They are determining what is important about life, faith and the Word of God from you. You are being watched. You can nearly hear them ask, “What do I do now?”

A curious description of the boy Jesus is given in Luke 2:52. It says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Though He was God, He was also learning how to live as a man. He was growing stronger and taller. He was increasing in knowledge and wisdom. He was developing the kind of character that made others respect Him. Even the Heavenly Father, it says, was pleased with how His Son was living as He grew.

Your children are like clay in your hands. The early years are filled with opportunities to mold their faith, shape their values and focus their attention on God. They are learning the joy of worship. You are showing them the importance of the Church and its ministry to the world. Your habits and priorities often become their habits and priorities.

Jesus warned the crowd in His day about causing the children to stumble (Mark 9:42). He promised severe consequences for those who lead children astray. On the other hand, John celebrates when children are taught to love the Lord and trust Him. He declares, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (III John 4).

Little eyes are watching all of us. There is no greater responsibility for the family and Church than the spiritual development of the children. Take advantage of this Christmas season to show your children how much Jesus means to you!