Evenings of June 5-9, 5:45-8:30 PM
Ages 4 years (as of 5/31/22) thru completing 6th grade
Online registration ends Wednesday, June 1.
Walk-up registration will be available Sunday night, June 5, beginning at 5:15 PM at the northeast entrance (by the new playground).
G’day mates! Grab your sunnies (that’s your sunglasses) and your mates (that’s your friends) as we ZOOM around Australia. We’ll discover some amazing animals and, like a boomerang, we are returning kids to what the Bible says about the value of life!
Zoomerang is a sanctity of life VBS in the land down under! Be prepared to experience the jaw-dropping beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, the arid temperature of outback afternoons, the architectural marvels of Australia’s modern cities, and the fascinating eucalyptus forest, home of the koalas.
At Zoomerang you’ll marvel at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while exploring the wonder and value of life, from the lives of preborn babies to eternal life in the kingdom of God. During this pro-life VBS, kids will discover that life is valuable. From the tiniest to the oldest, each person is made in the image of God—wonderfully designed to know him and live for him!