Summer Worship: Let Us Pray.

SSFBC is excited for Summer Worship happening on Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary.

Summer Worship will include singing, as well as time for folks to break into groups and spend time praying specifically for different topics. The night will conclude with a time for you to pray specifically, either with a group or an individual, for specific prayer requests that you might have in your life.

This will be a time for the church family- young, old, children, teens, retirees, and everyone in between- to join together in an informal setting and spend time in prayer and song.

Truly, we want your kids in there witnessing you, and the church body, bowing your heads in prayer and lifting your voices in praise! We think it is going to be a great time of worship. So pack up some books, (quiet) toys, and snacks and bring your kiddos with you!

Childcare will be provided for kids 3 and under.