The Root of the Problem

Despite the upheavals across our land, I have learned that life simply goes on. My wife sent me a text yesterday about a clogged commode. It is rarely coincidental that when grandkids visit, toilets have problems. In their defense, this particular sewage line has a history with menacing roots. Though the kids are an easy blame, the roots are the heart of the problem. Until I deal with the roots, I can expect issues.

Jesus identified men’s hearts as the root of the problem in society. He declared, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasures brings forth evil things” (Matthew 12:35). What we store up in our heart will eventually flow out of our life in actions, attitudes and words. He said again, “For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are what defile you…” (Matthew 15:19-20, NLT).

As long as the hearts of people are corrupt by sin, there will be violence, murder and all kinds of immoral behavior across our land. This is not a race problem. This is not a drug problem. This is not police problem. This is not a gun problem. This is a heart problem. As long as people reject God, their hearts will remain corrupt.

The experts now estimate that the damage done to Minneapolis due to violent protests will top $500 million. This damage occurred in at least 140 other American cities. The fallout continues with the inexcusable deaths of many children. Experts surmise that the recent violence could be the most expensive civil disturbance in U.S. history.

How do we explain the absolute devestation and fear that communities are now living in? It is sin in the hearts of people. A poisoned heart affects every part of life and everyone around you. When you poison the spring, the whole stream is tainted. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23, NIV).

Several thoughts concerning the heart come to mind. One, check your own heart. Even followers of Jesus Christ can have evil lurking in their hearts and minds. It is easier to detect the problem in others than it is to see your own sin. Jesus said to remove the log from your own eye before trying to get the splinter out of your brother’s eye (Luke 6).

Two, know that the answer to a corrupt heart is only found in Jesus Christ. The Church can strive to address the various problems in society, but we must never think there is any answer apart from the cross. Jesus died for the sins of the world. At the invitation of the person, He comes to dwell in their life. He doesn’t just change our behavior, He changes our heart. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is still the only answer for the transformation of life.