Teetering on Insanity

The buzz phrase in recent weeks has been “woke.” Both people and institutions have taken sides concerning their “wokeness.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines the term, “a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.” Followers of Jesus certainly need to be aware of societal problems and lead the way in providing solutions. The Bible teaches that everyone is made in the image of God with inherent worth and equal value.

Unfortunately, the path of “wokeness” in some areas is leading our culture over a cliff. Two stories that surfaced this week reflect that “wokeness” does not just make people aware of social injustice, but sometimes causes it. Consider the following.

Elementary teacher, Tanner Cross, from Loudon County, Virginia, has been placed on leave of absence from his school because of his stance on transgender. He boldly stated to the school board that his love for students suffering from “gender dysphoria” prompted his address and that he would not “affirm that a biological boy could be a girl or vice versa.” He said there are truths we must face and that the present school policies affirming transgender would only damage children. He based his convictions on science. He also based it in on his Christian faith built on the Bible which states that God creates people as male and female. To encourage a confused student in their dysphoria would be a lie to the child, an abuse of the child, a violation of his religion, and a sin against God.

Thank you, Mr. Cross, for speaking truth to a confused world that is teetering on insanity. Thank you for your willingness to endure abuse from the “woke” crowd and refuse to yield to political pressure that violates science, faith, and common sense. May God forgive us for exploiting the most vulnerable and innocent of our society for political gain and sexual whims. Encouraging confused children to change their gender is about the height of corruption and abuse. May the citizens of this county rise up and replace such failed leadership.

A second story involves Connecticut high school female athletes who have filed a federal lawsuit to prevent biological males who identify as females from competing in track and field events due to their unfair advantage. The long and short of the story is that Connecticut leadership, pressured by the “woke” crowd, believes we should empathize with confused males who think they are girls and let them compete in events. Predictably, they are dominating in every event with the best girl athletes unable to compete. Where is the outcry from the feminists? Where are the lawsuits from the ACLU? Where is the “woke” crowd who will defend the girl’s rights? We are teetering on insanity.

Here is a “woke” verse for Christians to ponder: “And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11, NIV).