Mowing With the Grands

While mowing the lawn recently, the grandkids decided to take turns sitting on my lap. It turned out to be a good learning experience on how to mow in even strips. They steered the mower while I controlled the speed and brakes. “Keep your front wheel on the mowed part,” I instructed. “It will provide the guide for mowing a straight line.”

My father taught me how to mow. I assume his father taught him. Life lessons are generally passed from one generation to the next. If you missed out on the mowing lesson, you will probably still survive in life. There are a few life lessons you want to very purposefully pass along to the next generation.

One, there is God. No, this world did not happen by accident. The whole premise of creation happening without someone designing the process is simply absurd. How ridiculous to believe that humming bird swarming around your feeder is the product of chance evolution. It weighs less than four grams and its beak is shaped to probe flowers. It can fly vertically about 30 miles an hour and beat its wings from 8 to 200 times per second. The Bible declares, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased” (Revelation 4:11, NLT).

Two, the Bible is true. Yes, it has been translated many times throughout history. No, we don’t have the original manuscripts. But when you apply the ancient literature test to the Old and New Testaments to determine their dependability and accuracy, there is no ancient book that even comes close to the Bible. Literally thousands of the people, places and events described in the Bible have been confirmed through archaeology. In fact, there has never been an archaeological discovery that has refuted a biblical text. The Scripture states, “All scripture is inspired by God…” (II Timothy 3:15, RSV).

Three, Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is no other. This truth is not popular and is often met with jeers and mockery. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Though existing from eternity past, He chose to become a man and live among men. He came to live and die. He came to bear our sins and pay the price we couldn’t pay. He died on the cross and then rose from the dead. If there was another way to heaven, the Son of God would not have suffered the humiliation, pain, and distress of the cross. Jesus emphatically said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6, NKJ).

Do not think that someone else at some later time will teach your kids or grandkids what they need to know about God. Heaven is too important to leave to chance. Teach these eternal truths as if eternity is at stake!