Kitten Lessons

Jan and I have two new kittens which stay outdoors. She named the boy, Simba, and the girl, Nala. Other than the cost of food, they have provided hours of free entertainment. We literally find ourselves sitting on the back porch watching them explore the yard, attack one another, climb the trees, and playfully chase all kinds of bugs and butterflies. Their exploits are good for several daily laughs. Watching them also stirs thoughts about God and life.

These kittens bring glory to God. All of creation is designed for the glory of God, but some parts of creation reflect His beauty more than others. Both cats have beautiful golden fur with a tinge of white. Their coats are plush and soft. I am amazed at their vertical leap and speed, which seems to increase daily. It was on the fifth and sixth day of creation when the Lord filled the earth with all kinds of animals. His creativity and power were put on display through the animal kingdom. God must have enjoyed watching all that He had made. The Bible says, “And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:26).

These kittens enjoy one another’s company. Like kids, they seem to annoy one another at times, as well. Their lives are intertwined. They eat, sleep, and play together. The beauty of fellowship and companionship is illustrated in their lives. My wife noted how lonely life would be if it was just one of them. Her comment reminded me of God watching Adam in Genesis 3 and saying, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Vs.18). The creation of Eve was preceded by the loneliness of Adam. Take a moment and thank God for those people in your life who enrich, encourage, and bless you. Resolve to be someone who makes others’ lives richer. Paul said to Philemon, “…the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother” (vs. 7). May it be so in my life and yours.

These kittens are dependent on our provision. They might make it without our help, but life would be much more difficult. Jan’s voice is a welcomed call that food and attention are being dished out. They run toward her when she beckons. They love the attention of being held, scratched, and petted. Often, a continued purr is heard as they bask in plenty. I don’t think they know how good they have it. They would understand more if they could see life from my perspective.

Thank God today for your blessings. Everything flows from Him. The old adage is good advice: “When you drink from the stream, remember the spring.” You and I really are not self-sufficient. We totally rely on God. Paul declared of God, “He gives to all life, breath, and all things” (Acts 17:25). He is both the source and sustainer of life. Though His greatest act of love was the cross, we see His love every day in life – even in small things like kittens.