Homemade Ice Cream

Pastor Sam Crosby
San Saba’s First Baptist Church
March 24, 2020

We had a milk cow as a boy. She was milked twice a day by my dad or one of my brothers. Mom carefully separated out the cream to churn into butter. We also made homemade ice cream in a freezer with a hand crank. Cranking the freezer could be rough, but always produced the best ice cream. Sometimes the rough times bring out the best in us.

The loss of our local grocery store has initiated a spirit of generosity and volunteerism that is inspiring. Food is harder to access, but loving folks are simply working hard to make sure everyone gets fed. I have been blessed over the last few days to watch the rough times bring out the best in people.

Surrounding communities, likewise, have responded to our local crisis with amazing care. Trailers, vans and pickups filled with food and other necessities keep rolling into town. Other concerned donors have given monetary funds to order food. The generosity is stunning. It appears to me that when a need arises, the people rise with it! May God bless each of you who have given so richly.

I catch a glimpse of the Lord Jesus Christ in the volunteer spirit in our community. The Lord of all stooped down on the ground to wash His disciples’ feet. He got His hands dirty to express His love for them. His humility and service became an example for every Christian. He said, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have to you” (John 13:15, NKJ).

His greatest act of service, though, was the cross. Our sins were many but His grace was more. The Apostle Paul explained our dilemma with the whole world lying under the curse of sin. We were without hope in this world and destined for death. Then Jesus came. He wrote, “But where sin increased, grace increased all the more” (Romans 5:20). The greater our need, the greater God’s grace was poured out to meet it!

Rough times can be hard. Watching how the Lord uses the rough times to stir love and good works is a blessing. Hearing the stories of mercy and grace compelled by hearts of compassion draws me nearer to Jesus. It is as if the Lord of all is still washing feet through the hands of His people. In some ways, we would miss such a blessing if we never had rough times.

Keep on cranking that handle and know that something wonderful is being produced with every turn.