Cry Out to God

In Luke 18, Jesus told the story of an ungodly judge who was continually bothered by a widow woman who demanded justice concerning a matter. The woman’s persistence troubled him. He finally complied with her request, not because he sympathized with her need, but because he was weary of her visits. The woman’s persistence is compared to the prayers of God’s people who “…cry out day and night to Him...” (Luke 18:7). The lesson of the parable is found in verse 1: “…men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1).

There is always hope if we can pray! God’s people need to cry out to God for a fresh move of His Spirit upon our land. I fully believe that God wants to send revival more than we want to experience it. Revival is always an act of God, but God moves in response to His people’s cries. James wrote, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results” (5:16, NLT).

Many churches across our land are observing a season of prayer for our nation and our world. There are two national prayer gatherings on the Washington Mall on Saturday, September 26. Both of these gathering are interdenominational and focused solely on praising the Lord, turning from sin and calling upon God for revival across our land. The ten days prior to that Saturday have also been set aside for times of focused and intentional prayer. We live in a world that is spiritually sick, and God is our only hope.

San Saba’s First Baptist Church will host a prayer gathering three times a day for ten days. Beginning on Thursday, September 17, we will have prayer times in our sanctuary at 6:30 in the morning, 12:00 noon, and 6:30 at night. The times of prayer will last about thirty minutes but people can stay and pray as long as they want. We will also simulcast the Washington prayer gathering on our screen in the sanctuary on Saturday, September 26. Believers are invited to come and stay as long as they want to participate in this day of guided prayer.

Prayer reminds us of our need for God. Prayer helps us to see things from God’s perspective. Prayer prompts us to meditate on God’s promises in His Word. Prayer reminds us of God’s presence and His sovereign power over this world. We cry to God because He loves us and He alone has the power to meet the deepest needs of our lives.

Moses cried to God in Numbers 12:13. Isaiah cried to God in Isaiah 64:1. Stephen cried to God in Acts 7:60. The disciples cried to God in Acts 4:24. With a world in chaos and a culture that seems to be imploding, the people of God need to humbly, but boldly, cry out to God for His mercy and intervention. Prayer should always mark Christian lives, but I hope you will join us for this special season of humility, prayer and repentance.