Christmas in Your Heart

One of our church children told her mom that some people do not have Christmas in their heart. As the mother inquired further, the child explained that people have Christmas in their heart when they have Christmas lights on display outside. She then requested that they drive by Brother Sam’s house because he surely had Christmas in his heart. Sadly, we had not yet finished wrapping the trees and assembling the nativity. The unlit yard, in this child’s mind, reflected a joyless heart. After hearing the story, we quickly finished the outdoor decorations, took a picture, and sent it to the mom with the caption: Christmas in our hearts!

Children are a joy and their perspectives often bring a smile. Though this little one’s ideas are not completely right, there is a sense that Christmas in the heart should be on display in a person’s life. Perhaps that was her thinking – the personal joy of Christmas will always find a way to show itself publicly. As larger waves accompany a coming storm or greener fields reflect a recent rain, so the joy of Christmas finds a way to show itself to the world. What are some ways that the joy of Christmas was manifested in the characters of the Christmas story?

The angels showed their joy by singing songs of praise! In the story of the angels telling the shepherds about the birth of Jesus, one translation reads, “Suddenly a great army of heaven’s angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God: ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!’” (Luke 2:13-14, Good News Translation). A heart filled with joy will often stir a voice that is filled with praise.

The shepherds showed their joy by yearning to see what God had done. They ran quickly to Bethlehem to find the baby Jesus lying in a manger, which is a feed trough for animals. The mystery of the miracle that had been revealed to them could not sit idly in their hearts. The Savior of the world had arrived in the form of a baby and had been humbly laid in a nearby stable. Such news demands action. Christmas in the heart meant hungering for more of God and seeking for the One that He sent. The world should not just hear our song but also see our passion for Jesus.

The wise men showed their joy by bringing gifts to the Savior. They arrived in Jerusalem having traveled many months and declared, “Where is He who is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:2, NKJ). The tradition of giving gifts was based on the wise men who brought expensive gifts to the Christ child (Matthew 2:11). The gifts reflected hearts that overflowed with joy. Paul describes the joy of believers with the phrase, “They first gave themselves to the Lord” (II Corinthians 8:5). The gift of oneself to God is the real picture of Christmas in the heart!