Children- Our Greatest Asset

One of my daughters sent me a picture this morning of her young son bottle-feeding a calf. A younger sibling stood by to encourage and help. The boy doing the feeding had a big smile as he posed for the picture. In the chaos of our present world it is refreshing to see the joy of children as they perform tasks and learn responsibility. Such images give me hope that there is still much good in our nation and our future is bright. There are days when I am not so sure.

The truth is, our hope as a nation lies entirely with God. The truth is, the greatest need for our future involves nurturing the next generation in faith. The truth is, our greatest asset as a society is our children. What we do with our children today will determine what our nation will look like tomorrow.

Let me suggest at least three blessings you give your kids when you nurture their faith in Jesus Christ.

One, it eases their fears. The recent pandemic has done much to undermine the security of our children. Their world has changed. Their school is different. The new normal mixed with a body count of disease victims has done more to create fear in our kids than any of us cares to admit. What, pray tell, is the antidote to fear? Faith! God is alive! He is in control! He knows you by name and loves you beyond measure. The Psalmist wrote, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalms 27:13, NKJ).

We must intentionally teach our kids that faith in Jesus Christ means that they become children of God. He both died on the cross to free us from the fear of judgment and rose from the dead to free us from the fear of dying. Faith in Christ is the foundation for a life free from fear.

Two, it instills purpose. My theory is that people riot and burn down buildings partially because they are bored. We have a generation of video game addicts and Hollywood experts who have no idea what life is about. They are clouds without purpose.

Faith in God means that I am not an accident. Each person was created by design and with a purpose. Not only does God love me, but I am here for His glory. When you train your children in faith, you set them on a journey of a lifetime of purpose, which satisfies the deepest yearnings of their heart. Jesus said, “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12, NKJ).

Three, it fills them with wonder. A man told me yesterday, “I am amazed with God every day.” Exactly. Faith in God lights a fire of wonder in the soul. Everyday is a joyful adventure as you journey through life with God!