Baby Birds

A family of swallows builds a nest on our farmhouse porch every spring. We made attempts to encourage them to build elsewhere, but to no avail. Though they are beautiful birds and entertaining to watch, their presence is marked by excrement all over the porch, which means frequent cleaning.

Our most recent visit revealed five baby birds in a nest in the corner. The parents diligently brought food to open mouths that competed for each morsel. The babies stirred and squawked each time they sensed food was approaching. The grandkids, especially, watched with interest and smiles as food was placed in each mouth. Watching these birds tend to their young reinforced the truth that life is designed by a loving and intelligent Creator. A cursory glance at nature dispels any notion that life happened by chance.

Sadly, one of the birds fell out of the nest while we were there. He was very much alive and still squawking for food. Uncertain of the protocol, we picked it up with a cloth and put it back with the others. I’m not sure we will ever know if he survived, but the ordeal reminded me of a Scripture illustrating God’s care for us. Jesus told His disciples, “What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31, NLT).

Though Jesus used sparrows and not swallows, the point is the same. God knows every trouble we face. He watches every time we stumble. He is aware of every need in our lives. I think back to the baby bird lying on the ground outside of the nest and take comfort knowing that God knew he was there. The eyes of the Father in heaven watch over everything in His creation.

We are greatly valued by God. His love for us is beyond our ability to understand (Ephesians 3:18). He hears our cries. He sees our tears. He feels our pain. He knows this world is broken because of sin and He longs to draw us to Himself for provision, protection, and nurture. Isaiah 53 describes Jesus as “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Vs. 3). Luke described Jesus as weeping over Jerusalem because of the pain they were in and the trouble that was coming (Luke 19:41). Yes, God knows every need and He cares – even the baby swallow.

My four-year-old granddaughter doted on the baby bird before we put it back in the nest. She longed to help it return to its home and be fed and protected. Her compassion reflected at least part of what it means to be made in the image of God. Love the hurting. Help the needy. Comfort the lonely. Be the hands and heart of God to a broken world.