A Foundation For Life

Jesus told a story comparing the Word of God to a solid house foundation (Matthew 7). Some know this parable from the song that says, “The wise man built his house upon a rock.” The purpose of the story was to illustrate the wisdom of building one’s life on the Bible and the foolishness of trying to build a life without the Word of God. Two men in the story build their homes on different foundations and they both endure storms. The house that was built on the rock endured while the other house was destroyed. A wise person will follow the instruction of the Bible in how they live their life.

Building a life on the Bible gives assurance. When questions surface, the believer can turn to the Bible for the answer. The current debate over sexual transition and the number of genders is solved easily by the person who follows the Bible. When questioned about marriage in Matthew 19 Jesus responded, “Have you not read that He who made them in the beginning made them male and female” (Vs.4, NKJV). Jesus affirms the Old Testament creation story in Genesis 1-2 and confirms that there are two genders – male and female. People cannot create new genders and it is not possible to transition to another gender.

Building a life on the Bible gives meaning and value. God created us. We were made with care and intention. The purpose of life is to love God and live for His glory. The Bible says, “Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them” (Isaiah 43:7, NLT). The Bible lays the foundation for why I exist and what I am to accomplish. This knowledge of God as Creator and sustainer of life also enables me to live with peace even when storms arise.

Building a life on the Bible gives comfort. The world that has been broken by sin does not have the last word on my life. The gospel of Jesus Christ says that He came to die for my sin. His resurrection from the grave destroyed the power of death. Because of Jesus, my sins can be forgiven, and I can have peace with God. Because of Jesus, heaven is my final home, and the fear of death has been broken. Troubling questions about death and the life after are answered in the Bible. Disturbing issues about my failures and flaws are resolved in the Bible. The person who builds their life on the Bible has hope, peace, and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though He may die, he shall live” (John 11:25, NKJV).

So what is the foundation upon which you are building your life? Reader’s Digest? Time Magazine? Oprah Winfrey? Facebook? What is your source of truth that directs your life? What is your hope in struggles and in death? The wise person will turn to the Bible.