A Calm in the Midst of Corona

Pastor Sam Crosby
San Saba's First Baptist Church
March 9, 2020

“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.’” (Isaiah 30:15, NIV)

It appears that the Corona virus has created global panic. The Dow plunged 2,000 points this morning, prompted in part by a steep drop in oil prices. There are now 500 cases reported across the United States with 21 deaths attributed to the virus. Worldwide, over 105,000 cases have been confirmed with about 3,600 deaths, mostly in China.

It seems we feed on panic. We like to live with drama, which stirs an emotional high. The media loves to stoke fear in the masses, so we will consume the latest story.

The Corona virus is mild compared to the flu. The Center for Disease Control reports that 42.9 million got sick with the flu in 2019, with 647,000 hospitalized. This resulted in 61,200 deaths. The numbers were even higher in 2018 with nearly 80,000 deaths. The chances of dying from the flu are exponentially higher than this newest threat.

Dr. Mehmet Oz recently provided a survival guide for the Corona virus. His advice included things like wash your hands, use disinfectant wipes, get plenty of sleep, avoid touching your face, eat healthy foods and take vitamins to support your immune system. He mentioned as an afterthought that these tips are good advice even when there is not a virus outbreak. He added, “It think we are causing more harm to each other with the anxiety of the virus than the actual virus.” Amen.

Dr. Mark Rupp, an infectious disease expert at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, stated that most cases of the virus cause mild symptoms and patients easily recover. The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, stated that the risk of contracting the virus remains low for most Americans, and the simple steps listed above are good protection.

The instruction of God’s Word is valid whether there is an epidemic killing millions, or a mild virus with a new name making the rounds. Isaiah told the people of Israel to turn to the Lord, respond with confidence, and trust in God to see you through the crisis. God’s people are never to live in fear and anxiety. The God we serve is sovereign over the world. He is the Creator who both made it all and sustains it all. Nothing happens in this world without His permission. Somehow He is able to fulfill His purposes through adversity and struggle.

Along with washing your hands and taking your vitamins, commit this verse to memory: “Don’t’ worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6, NLT). We are promised that in quietness and trust we will be strengthened.